Culpeper Business Women was organized to empower women in the
workplace and in the home through support, scholarships, and information. We are a service group of business professionals who meet regularly to network with fellow women business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs. We support our community with fundraising for
S.A.F.E, Girls on the Run, and Mom2Mom and by providing scholarships to local girls.
Goals include networking, mentoring, fundraising, educating,
supporting community projects & outreach programs
and encouraging workshops for personal and professional growth.
Membership is open to all individuals who support the mission & goals of the organization.
Annual dues are $130.00. Light dinner and refreshments included.
We meet the 3rd Monday of every month at 6pm.
Meetings include exposure to area professionals through talks and interactive programs.
Please register by clicking the button below.
Each Meeting includes:
Refreshments/light dinner
Committee reports
Fundraising discussion
Old & New business
Then we invite a new Speaker or host an interactive activity (Program)
Share Area Information and Announcements
Praise/Need - Praise another person or ask for help
Birthday Raffle**
Networking and meet & greet
Please join us and learn more about this group
and how we can help each other grow while supporting the women of the community!
**if your birthday is this month please bring a small gift for the raffle.
Promote scholarships, write review for social media, collect applications, determine winners and make presentations, suggest new scholarships to present to organization and suggest new ways to promote these programs.
Program & Public Relations
Represent CBW on Social Media (FB, Instagram, FB Live, etc.) and promote events & meetings socially, coordinate content with other committees, suggest/write blog content on website, send flowers & cards to members as stated in the policies & procedures.
Bylaws & Finance
Compile any bylaw revisions that are voted on, prepare the annual budget, help with record keeping at annual auction and other fundraising events, help coordinate and record dues and event payments/donations.
Membership & Reservations
Promote & encourage new membership, email members for RSVP's for each meeting and reminders to special meetings or events. Coordinate/liaison with other committees and Executive Committee for email content, updates to organization and special instructions.
Civic Participation
Promote & encourage the organization's participation in community events and suggest new women/girls charities and community outreach. Be the liaison between CBW and non-profit organizations, help suggest financial gifts and encourage cash and non-cash donations.
Ways & Means
In charge of all fundraising, which includes presenting ideas for fundraisers and the coordinating of approved events and activities. Report updates to Public Relations for social posts and suggest ways to advertise events and fundraising.

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre